Tuesday, March 3, 2009

J Train - Cleveland St. (Day 4, stop #187)

Out: This area is definitely rougher-looking than near Norwood; I can tell I’m getting back towards East New York. The streets here are dirtier and the people on the street look a bit more intimidating, but it’s still pretty ethnically mixed, even including some Eastern Europeans. There are still all row houses here, but they look like they’re more run down, and there is also more graffiti here.

In: Same as Crescent St., with shorter awning. The station agent in the booth is an Indian guy with a mullet; that’s kind of amusing. Leaving the station, I ran up as the train was arriving and got on in the wrong direction since I didn’t have time to check the signs (definitely the annoying thing about these single-platform stations). Oy, what a time waster.