Thursday, May 7, 2009

C/E Trains - 23 St. (Day 10, stop #449)

Out:  Outside the stop here there are many well-maintained large apartment buildings, and a bunch of trees about a block away.  The area is pretty much all gentrified and white/Asian, but there are some black/Hispanic people too.  There are a good number of gay guys here in Chelsea, and the stores are a mix of bars, restaurants, and mom & pop places, some of which have rainbow flags flying outside.  There is the Dallas BBQ right at this corner, which always has a significant place in my heart.  This neighborhood is a good mix of residential and commercial.  I manage to catch the last remnants of sunlight for a couple photos.  I also saw here a long ling of cop cars speeding by, but I can’t see the immediate cause.

In:  Dirty white tiles on the walls here, and a two platform, four track layout with express bypass.  There are yellow columns by the platform edge, and yellow mosaic tile on the wall with the station name in the IND style.  There are also lots of “23” in small black tiles.  There’s an underpass to the other side here, but no mezzanine; the booth is right below the street level.