Thursday, May 7, 2009

B/C Trains - 96 St. (Extra Days, stop #456)

Out:  Again the exit here is on the west side of CPW, right next to the park.  Now on the border of the Upper West Side, there are a number of towering residential high rises.  

The only obvious commercial activity is a guy selling hot dogs from a cart.  There is plenty of traffic looking to enter and exit one of the park crossovers here.  96th itself here is a large street, with two lanes of traffic in each direction.  It is also lined by large high rises to the west, with a fewer smaller buildings interspersed.  

Some of the buildings look to be classic and pre-war, but others are clearly more modern.   There is also a large church on the corner here and a Tudor-style apartment building on 97th.  

The people on the street are pretty mixed between white, black, and Hispanic, plus there are a number of tourists now.  There is a playground at the corner here with many moms, nannies, and kids.  There are not too many people in work attire, and more in workout clothes.  Definitely getting into the wealth of the UWS here.

In:  Similar to 103 St.