Monday, January 14, 2008

1 Train - 157 St. (Day 1, stop #16)

Out: Neighborhood still looks pretty Dominican, but there are some more black people around. Basically still feels like Washington Heights, but near the border with Harlem. Broadway here is divided and there are trees in the median. Seems pretty busy on the street. On a small block just east of Broadway there is an impressive large apartment building that curves along with the street, with a slanted copper roof. 

Across Broadway there is a long, low-slung commercial building that runs the length of the block. On the top floor are residential areas with large windows, on the lower levels are small mom & pop stores along with McDonald’s.

In: Two platform, two track setup facing each other. No crossover to other side; booth area just below street level. Station is pretty dirty & dingy; white tiles on wall have a lot of dirt & grit.White tiled columns near platform edge, also pretty dirty. Mosaic tile station name in a couple places.