Monday, January 14, 2008

A Train - 207 St.-Inwood (Day 1, stop #11)

Out: Nice brick tenements with some detailed accents, a mid-sized church, and a view of the Cloisters in the distance to the south. The neighborhood is mostly Dominican, with typical mom & pop restaurant, fast food, C-town & liquor store.

In: single platform that is quite wide between two trains at end of track. Two columns on each side of plat as well. White tiling inside station, looks relatively recently renovated. Pretty interesting theme: in 2-foot tall silver/glittery letters reads “At the start…” and “at long last” on both sides of mezzanine near booth. Not only on the wall, but also engraved in small letters on the floor, with the beginning journey message facing out and the “at long last” facing people leaving the station. Surprising, but interesting, detail added to station at the end of the A line.